How Twitter Usage in the Middle East is evolving

The emerging popularity of Twitter video, coupled with platform manipulation, were key trends to emerge last year

Damian Radcliffe


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Twitter’s declining user base

As we outlined previously, Facebook is not the only established social network to see declines in usage across much of MENA.

Twitter usage among Arab nationals has fallen by half since 2013, data from Northwestern University in Qatar has found.

Across the six counties surveyed, use of the network among internet users has fallen from 45% in 2013 to 22% in 2018. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Snapchat all have higher levels of penetration in the region than Twitter.

Twitter penetration among Arab Nationals, 2013 vs. 2018. Via: Northwestern University in Qatar

Saudi Arabia and Turkey buck the trend

Despite this decline, Saudi Arabia and Turkey remain significant markets for Twitter. They are the fifth and sixth largest markets for Twitter in the world.

  • More than 10 million users are active on



Damian Radcliffe

Chambers Professor in Journalism @uoregon | Fellow @TowCenter @CardiffJomec @theRSAorg | Write @wnip @ZDNet | Host Demystifying Media podcast